ExcelOutputFormat | | This represents the desired output format of the excel file created.
Set this to Excel2007, to produce an excel 2007 export which supports up to 16k columns and 1M rows per worksheet. The extension for excel 2007 files is .xlsx.
Note - the .xlsx files can be opened with Office 2003 too, but they will lose any data beyond the 256 columns and 64k rows that are supported. |
ExcelPaperSize | Letter |
Legal |
Ledger |
Folio |
Executive |
B5 |
B4 |
A5 |
A4 |
A3 |
| Use this to set the paper size of the excel workbook when it is being printed. |
ExportDataTableID | | Indicates that the export should consist of information from a specific DataTable. Information outside of the DataTable, such as headers and footers, will not be included in the export.
Set the value to the ID attribute of a DataTable. Otherwise, leave blank.
To export the data for an AnalysisGrid element, set the value to "dtAnalysisGrid". This is the ID of the AnalysisGrid's internal DataTable. |
ExportFilename | | By default, export files (e.g. .pdf, .xls, .csv, .doc) get a randomly generated GUID string for the filename. Set a name in ExportFilename to have a specific, more meaningful filename. |
FrameID | UserDefined |
Top |
Self |
Parent |
NewWindow |
| Sets the Frame for the target page. Leave blank for the current browser window, or enter NewWindow to open a new browser window. You can also specify an existing FrameID to re-use the same window for each request. |
ID | | The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
KeepShowElements | | KeepShowElements works with Action.ShowElements so that items that have been shown or hidden by the user remain that way when the report is re-displayed or exported.
Set KeepShowElements to True for report exports so that those elements that were originally hidden but then shown by the user with an Action.ShowElement get included in the export. Alternatively, any elements hidden by the user will not be exported.
KeepShowElements also works from Process definitions so that if the user is returned to the original calling report, the same elements remain visible.
The default value for KeepShowElements is False. |
Report | UserDefined |
CurrentReport |
| The name of a Report definition file. The default value is the current report.
For some elements, the value can be set to "CurrentReport". This builds the same report with the same data and sort order, which is especially useful when exporting reports. You cannot use "CurrentReport" within Process definitions or MasterReport elements. |
ReportShowModes | | ShowModes makes it possible to hide elements for some reports. ReportShowModes passes the ShowModes displayed within a called report.
When ReportShowModes is blank, all elements are shown. To pass ShowModes into the report, enter a comma-delimited list of ShowMode values. Any elements that have a ShowMode that includes any of those values will appear in the report. |
RequestForwarding | | Pass all request parameters to the next page.
Note that request parameters cannot be forwarded if there is an Input element with the same name, because this would result in two values getting passed with the same name.
Values from DefaultRequestValues elements are not forwarded.
Unless otherwise noted, the default is "False".
ShowGridlines | | In Excel, when connected rows or columns are set to the same style (font,background, foreground color etc) the gridlines between them do not appear.
Set ShowGridlines="True" to show these grid lines.
The default is "False". |