Available in: Logi Info | Source code name: SharingList | Introduced in: v11.4.046 |
Bookmarks and Bookmark folders may be shared with other users. When sharing, the user is presented with a popup panel to add, list and remove users and user groups. (User groups are the same as Roles which are defined in the <Settings><Security> element.)
The SharingList element defines a searchable list in the popup. The rows for the list come from a DataLayer which returns a list of user names possibly groups/roles too. Additional DataTableColumns may be added to show more details for each user, such as full name.
To list groups, include a column in the DataLayer to indicate the rows which represent groups. Specify that column in the GroupIdentifierColumn attribute. When a bookmark is shared with a group, all members who have that group/role are permitted to see it.
SharingList is not required. If the user knows the user names of others, they may simply type into a text box. |