Element Details: ReportCenter+Menu

Available in: Logi Info Source code name: ReportCenterMenu

The ReportCenterMenu makes it easy to create a top-level menu for users to run and schedule reports.

For a report to appear in the ReportCenterMenu, it must have a ReportCenterItem element under its Report element.

Reports may be organized into folders so they are displayed in a hierarchical tree.

Users see bookmarks that were created for each report. The Bookmarks can be run, renamed or deleted.

The user can configure reports to run on a schedule, in which case the reports are emailed. The SchedulerConnectionID attribute must be set. Also, for a report to be scheduled, it must be saved as a Bookmark and its ReportCenterItem element must have ReportCenterAllowSchedule="True".

Reports emailed by the Scheduler are forwarded by the first Connection.SMTP element found in the settings' Connection element. This enables an administrator to switch SMTP servers without having to change report schedules.

The ReportCenterMenu automatically adds a DataLayer.DefinitionList element to itself. To have more control over the reports that appear in the ReportCenterMenu, replace this built-in DataLayer with a custom DataLayer.DefinitionList.


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NamePossible ValuesDescription
(Required) Bookmarks are stored in Bookmark Collection XML files, which are located in a folder specified in the BookmarkLocation attribute of the settings.lgx General element. BookmarkCollection sets the name of the collection. The information for each collection is stored in a file. Typically, there is one BookmarkCollection for each user. In this case, the BookmarkCollection attribute should be set to "@Function.Username~". To help keep consistency, set the settings' General element's BookmarkCollectionDefault attribute with a global value, rather than setting BookmarkCollection in individual elements.
Sets the Cascading Style Sheet class used by the element. When set, this class will also be used by all child elements that don't have their own class. The class should be defined in the report's style sheet file.
Specifies depth of folders that will automatically appear expanded. To have the first level of folders expanded, showing their children, set the value to "1". The default is "0".
(Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition.
The ID of a Connection.Scheduler element defined in the _settings.lgx definition.
SchedulerProcessUrl specifies the full URL of the Logi Info application that will run the scheduled task. The URL should specify the folder that contains the rdProcess.aspx file. For example: http://myWebServer/myApplcation The default value is the URL used to access the current web application.
Set this attribute to pass session state to the scheduled task. The value may be set when creating or updating scheduler tasks, or in the Report Center Menu element. Specify a comma separated list of session variables that should be resolved and saved with the scheduled task. Before the task is eventually run by the scheduler, these variables along with their values are added to that session.
Specifies if the scheduler's user interface should display the server's current time. This can be useful when the user's time zone differs from the server's. The user can infer and adjust the time for running scheduled reports. Default is “False”.
Some elements employ a definition file as a template. The definition contains language and culture specific Caption attributes that you may want to change. Or you may simply want to change the captions to better suit your application. The TemplateModifierFile is an XML file with elements pointing to other elements in the template to be changed. All other attributes get applied in the template. For example, the Dashboard2 element has a template file (rdTemplate\rdDashboard\rdDashboard2Template.lgx) several Label elements. One has an ID="lblAddPanelsTitle". The Caption can be changed with the following XML in the TemplateModifierFile: You can set attributes for any number of elements. Examine the template file to learn the ID and Caption attributes you may want to modify. The above example shows how to identify template elements with an ID attribute. Alternatively, you can also identify elements with an XPath expression. In this example, we change an attribute of the InteractivePaging element: For a more detailed list of modifier actions see the following DevNet article. TemplateModifierFiles can be in any folder accessable to the web application. When a directory location is not specified, the default location is the _SupportFiles folder.


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Column Cell
Fieldset Box
Report Footer
Report Header
Responsive Column


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DataLayer.Definition List
Definition Order
Email List Folder Order

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