Element Details: Real+Time+Update

Available in: Logi Info Source code name: RealTimeUpdateIntroduced in: v11.1.033

The Real Time Update element uses AJAX techniques to automatically refresh the animated chart parent element based on an interval.

The timer's interval is set in seconds.

The Real Time Update element works by re-running the report with just the animated chart's data and passing that back to the browser to update the chart.

Real Time charts only support stacked options, so when a bar or area chart has an extra data column, the layers will be stacked


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NamePossible ValuesDescription
(Required) The number of seconds to wait before refreshing elements specified in the RefreshElementTimer element. When used for the Real Time Update element, this will be the number of seconds to wait before refreshing the parent chart data. The value must be an integer greater than 0.


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Animated Chart.XY


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