ConnectionID | | (Required) Specifies a connection to a data source that is defined in the Settings.
For elements connecting to relational databases, default is the first Connection element in _settings.lgx. |
ID | | (Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
MongoCollection | | (Required) Name of the Mongo collection. |
MongoQueryDocument | | (Required) MongoQueryDocument specifies a Mongo "find" document to identify one or more documents.
To vary the document content based on user or other input, use tokens inside the document, such as @Request tokens.
Find all documents with "type" equal to "snacks".
{ type: "snacks" }
Find all documents with "type" equal to "food" or "snacks"
{ type: { $in: [ "food", "snacks" ] } } |
MongoUpdateDocument | | (Required) MongoUpdateDocument specifies a document to be updated or possibly inserted.
To update just some attributes, instead of replacing the entire document, use the Mongo $set operator.
To vary the document content based on user or other input, use tokens inside the document, such as @Request tokens. |
MongoWriteConcern | Unacknowledged |
Acknowledged |
| This specifies whether the command should wait for acknowledgement of the write.
The default is "Acknowledged", to wait for acknowledgement. |
MultipleDocuments | | Specifies whether this command should affect multiple documents.
Default value is False. |
Upsert | | Specifies whether this update command should be performed as an upsert. That is, when the key already exists, that item is updated, otherwise a new item is inserted
Default value is False. |