Colors | | Sets the element's colors in cases where multiple colors should be listed. For example, for pie charts, each slice should be a different color. You can set these colors by specifying color names or RGB values, each separated by a comma. When there are more slices than colors, the list starts back at the beginning.
RGB values should include the hash character, for example: #FF0000 |
ShowPanel | Expanded |
Disabled |
Collapsed |
| Indicates how the panel is initially displayed. |
ShowSetChartTitle | | For charts in OlapGrids, ShowSetChartTitle enables the user to change the caption inside the chart image. This can be useful when the chart image will be copied through the clipboard to another application.
The default value is false so that users don't see the Chart Title input text box. |
WallpaperImage | | Specifies an image used to wallpaper the chart image's background. |