ChartSymbol | SymbolX |
SymbolTriangle |
SymbolSquare |
SymbolDiamond |
SymbolCross |
SymbolCircle |
| A symbol that identifies each data point on the chart.
For XY charts, this can be used only for the Line and Spline charts to identify data points.
When using a Crosstab Filter under the Chart's DataLayer, use comma-separated symbol values to assign different symbol values for each crosstab. |
ChartSymbolFillColor | | The internal color of a symbol.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
ChartSymbolSize | | The size, in pixels, of a chart symbol.
You can make a scatter into a bubble chart. Instead of a specific number, specify a numeric column returned with the data.
The default is 4. |
LegendLabel | | Indicates text that will be shown for this layer inside the chart legend. |
MilestoneDate | | (Required) Set this to the date you want the milestone to be plotted on. The milestone will be plotted using a combination of the label/task and date entered. |
MilestoneLabel | | (Required) Set this to an actual value for the labels plotted on the vertical axis. The symbol will be plotted in the horizontal plane for that particular label/task. |