Element Details: Menu+Branch

Available in: Logi Info Source code name: MenuBranchIntroduced in: 12.1.188

MenuBranch elements group menu items together. MenuBranches may contain MenuLeaf links, and also nested MenuBranch elements.

MenuBranches may be expanded and collapsed by the user. The expanded/collapsed status is remembered in the browser's LocalStorage, unless the feature is disabled with attribute DisableRememberExpansion in the MenuTree.


Click attribute Name to drill down for more information.

NamePossible ValuesDescription
(Required) The Caption attribute identifies the text to be displayed. For Image elements, Caption specifies the image filename.
Sets the Cascading Style Sheet class used by the element. When set, this class will also be used by all child elements that don't have their own class. The class should be defined in the report's style sheet file.
An expression that evaluates to a value of True or False. Expressions should be in JavaScript (recommended) or VBScript syntax. For .NET versions, the scripting language can be set in the _settings.lgx General element. For Java versions, the scripting language is always JavaScript. Typically, you would compare values using a token, such as "@Data.value~ < 0" or "@Session.ShowCol1~=='true'". Elements are removed when the Condition evaluates to False. Use quotes when working with strings: "@Data.myColumn~" == "SomeValue" If your data token may have a double quote inside of it, you should use single quotes: '@Data.myColumn~' == 'SomeValue' String valued data tokens with single and double quotes inside are not supported by the condition attribute.
When True, indicates that the branch is expanded when the tree is initially displayed. The default value is False.
The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition.
When entered, access to this element can be controlled with Logi security. Supply the ID of a right defined in the applications settings’ Security element. Only users that have a right in the SecurityRightID will be able to see the element. Note that when rights come from RightFromRole elements under Security/UserRights, and this element's SecurityRightID does NOT match any of the Right IDs defined in the Settings definition, then the user DOES have access. But when Right IDs are instead derived from RightsFromDataLayer or RightsFromRoles elements, and the user DOES NOT have a matching Right, then the user DOES NOT have access. You can enter multiple right IDs, separated by commas. In this case, the user sees the element if he has any one of the Rights.
Text that appears when the user hovers the pointer over the image or text.


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Menu Branch Menu Tree


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Conditional Class Menu Branch Menu Leaf

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