MarkerPointBorderColor | | When set, applies a border around marker points. |
MarkerPointBorderColorTransparency | | Indicates a level of transparency for the marker point border.
The lowest value of 0 indicates that the element is opaque, with no transparency. The other end of the scale, 15, indicates a completely transparent element. Use medium-level transparency to allow different chart layers to show through each other. |
MarkerPointBorderThickness | | The thickness of the marker point border.
The default is 1. |
MarkerPointFillColor | | Sets the fill color of the marker point. If left blank, the color of the series or point is used.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, e.g. #D5F484.
MarkerPointFillColorTransparency | | The related Marker Point Fill Color attribute sets the fill color of the marker point. Marker Point Fill Color Transparency adds transparency to that color.
The lowest value of “0” specifies that the point fill is opaque, with no transparency. At the other end of the scale, “15” specifies a completely transparent fill. Use medium-level transparency to allow different chart layers to show through each other
MarkerPointRadius | | The radius of marker points. |
MarkerPointSymbol | UserDefined |
Triangle-down |
Triangle |
Square |
Diamond |
Circle |
| Specifies the symbol that identifies each data point on the chart. Options include Circle, Square, Diamond, Triangle, and Triangle-down.
Alternatively, you can specify a complete image URL, beginning with “http://”.