Color | | Sets the element's color. Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233.
For bar charts, each bar can be a different color by entering multiple colors, each separated by a comma.
When using a Crosstab Filter under the Chart's DataLayer, use comma-separated colors and a Legend element so each crosstab set can be identified. |
Iteration | | The number of additional iterations used in the Lowess Curve Line algorithm. Unless the data is extremely noisy, in most cases no additional iterations are necessary.
The default value is set to 0. |
LineWidth | | The width of the line, in pixels.
Smoothness | | The smoothness factor of the Lowess Curve Line. It must be between 0 - 1. The default value is set to 0.25.
It is the portion of points used in finding the n nearest points. In other words, n = smoothness * no_of_points. A larger value will result in a smoother curve. A smaller value will result in the curve tracking the data points better.
For the Lowess Curve Line to have any smoothing effect at all, n must be at least 3. You may need to use a large smoothness factor if you only have a few data points. |