AddErrorMessage | | Adds two new columns to each row of the exception data.
rdErrorMessage is the reason the row could not be processed.
rdErrorSource is name of the source that returned the error. |
BatchSize | | The BatchSize attribute can be used to control the number of items (or rows) of a single database transaction. You can optimize your database commands to fit your specific configuration.
If set to zero, the system will process the entire datalayer as a single transaction.
BatchSize defaults to 1,000 rows per transaction.
BulkParameters | | Additional custom parameters that will be added to the bulk API call done by the engine. The string is added to the end of either the SQL Command or command line depending on the bulk system used by the destination system.
This attribute is only used when the InsertMethod is set to 'Bulk'. |
ConnectionID | | Specifies a connection to a data source that is defined in the Settings.
For elements connecting to relational databases, default is the first Connection element in _settings.lgx. |
DateFormat | | Allow the user to define a custom date format string to use during database loads.
If left blank in a LoadDbTable, the system will default to:
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" for MySQL
"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" for Microsoft SQL
"MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS" for Oracle SQL
If left blank in a FixedField element, the system will default to: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
EtlElementID | | Enter the ID of the Extract or Transform element that contains the data to be processed.
If this attribute does not have a value, then the system will use the data from the last Extract or Transform element. |
ExceptionDataID | | Defines an ETL ID value that can be used to address the exception data that was removed by the filter.
The value of this attribute may be referenced by a DataLayer.ETL, LoadDbTable, SaveData, or any other element that supports the EtlElementID attribute. |
FieldDelimiter | | The character or string used to separate each field in a text file. For best results, the character used should not be found within the data.
If left blank the default delimiter is "|".
Use "Tab" to create a tab delimited file or "," to create a comma delimited file.
"VerticalTab", "BackSpace", "FormFeed", as well as any character or string can also be used to create delimited files.
NOTE: This attribute is only used with bulk loading. |
ID | | (Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
InsertMethod | | Used to define the method used to insert data into the database table.
If left blank, then the system defaults to the "Batch" method.
"Batch" will cause the system to load the records using mulitiple insert statements. After each batch of commands is sent the database system will update any existing indexes and fire any defined triggers.
"Bulk" will cause ETL to use the high speed bulk loading API provided by the destination database system. ETL will automatically generate any required format and data files.
Bulk loading is currently available for Microsoft SQL, MySQL, and Oracle database servers. Many bulk loading APIs do not provide support for complex data types such as image or blob. |
MaxErrors | | The maximum number of errors allowed before the command will be stopped.
The default is no limit.
RowDelimiter | | The character or string used to terminate each row of data in a text file. For best results, the character used should not be found within the data.
If left blank the default delimiter is a line feed (Lf).
Lf = End each line of data with just a line feed (Default).
Cr = End each line of data with just a carriage return.
CrLf = End each line with a carrage return and line feed.
TableName | | (Required) The name of a database table. |
TextQualifier | | If given, then values having this symbol at the beginning and end are treated as text:
1) the text qualifier symbol is removed from the beginning and end
2) if the text qualifier symbol is doubled within the value, it is replaced with a single text qualifier symbol
example using single quote as text qualifier:
144, 12/18/2004, 'Lee''s House of Kebab', '719 High Street'
144 12/18/2004 Lee's House of Kebab 719 High Street
The default is a quote mark ("). |
TextQualifierMode | | Auto: (Default) If the value contains the delimiter, then the text will be enclosed within the TextQualifier.
On: All values will be surrounded by qualifiers.
Off: No values will be surrounded by qualifiers. |