ID | | (Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
IncludeCondition | | An expression that evaluates to a value of True or False. If the expression is blank, or evaluates to true the element is processed. If the expression evaluates to false, the element is skipped.
Expressions should be in VBScript or JavaScript syntax. For .NET versions, the scripting language can be set in the _settings.lgx General element. For Java versions, the scripting language is always JavaScript.
Typically, you would compare values using an operator, such as "@Session.value~ < 0".
Use quotes when working with strings:
"@Session.myValue~" == "SomeValue"
JoinType | Union |
LeftOuterJoin |
InnerJoin |
FullOuterJoin |
| (Required) Set the JoinType to the type of Join desired.
JoinType "InnerJoin" returns only those rows that have a match. The final number of rows is equal to or less than the original number of left-side rows.
"LeftOuterJoin" returns all rows on the left side. Column values from the right side are added to the left side when there is a match. When there are multiple matching rows from the right side, those rows are also added to the output.
"FullOuterJoin" returns all rows from both sides, combining those rows that match.
"Union" concatenates all rows from both datasets together. |
SortLeftSide | | Joins require that the data be sorted on the match columns. This sorting is normally done prior to joining the rows.
If the data for the left side is already correctly sorted, setting this attribute to "False" can improve performance by telling the join process to skip resorting the data.
Note that the join will not work correctly if this attribute is "False" and the data is not already presorted.
The default is True. |
SortRightSide | | Joins require that the data be sorted on the match columns. This sorting is normally done prior to joining the rows.
If the data for the right side is already correctly sorted, setting this attribute to "False" can improve performance by telling the join process to skip resorting the data.
Note that the join will not work correctly if this attribute is "False" and the data is not already presorted.
The default is True. |