Available in: Logi Info | Source code name: InputSelection.Range | Introduced in: v11.3.049 |
InputSelection.Range enables the chart to be used as an input element, enabling the user to draw a rectangular region, thus selecting a pair of x and/or y axis values.
Set the max and min axis ID attributes to IDs which will be used to access users’ drawn regions. For example, to get the minimum x-value selected, set MinXaxisID=”myMinX”, then use @Request.myMinX~ to reference the selection.
Validation.Required is available so a message is displayed when the page is submitted without a chart item selected. However, the Validation's Class attribute does not apply.
These values are supported for SelectionType:
"Area" lets the user select ranges for both the X and Y axes by drawing a rectangular region.
"AreaXAxis" is the same as "Area", except the Y-axis region fills the chart. Only the X-axis is selected by the user.
"AreaYAxis" is the same as "Area", except the X-axis region fills the chart. Only the Y-axis is selected by the user. |