Element Details: Generated+Element+Plugin+Call

Available in: Logi Info Source code name: GeneratedElementPluginCallIntroduced in: v10.0.337

GeneratedElementPluginCall is used to access definition XML for super-elements.
Plug-in is called after its parent element is parsed into its XML definition.

A Generated Element Plugin Call runs a method inside of a Plugin. A Plugin is a .NET library assembly (a DLL) or Java .JAR file containing custom code that performs actions while each request is processed. Plugins can dynamically modify Element Definitions and have full access to web request, application, session and response objects.


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NamePossible ValuesDescription
The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition.
The JavaPluginVersion attribute determines which version of LogiPluginObjects to use in the plugin call. LogiPluginObjects is the developer API for the Info Server Java plugin system. Omitting this attribute will cause the original LogiPluginObjects to be used. Specifying "Version10" in this attribute will result in LogiPluginObjects10 being used as the developer API. LogiPluginObjects10 has all the properties and methods of LogiPluginObjects, and also has additional methods such as addDebugMessage(), replaceTokens() and getSettingsDefinition(). Leaving JavaPluginVersion blank maintains backward compatibility with older versions of Info. LogiPluginObject10 is located in the package com.logixml.plugins. The original LogiPluginObjects was in the root package. This is also a value "DotNet" which designates a plugin written in .NET and cross-compiled for Java with Mainsoft Grasshopper. This attribute has no effect on .NET Info applications, which have all the methods of both versions.
(Required) The name of the Plugin's method to be called.
(Required) The filename of the plugin assembly, typically ending in ".dll" for .NET or a .class file in a .jar for Java. In .NET the assembly file should normally be located in the _Plugins folder, under the application root. In Java a standalone .class file goes in WEB-INF\classes under the application root. A .jar file containing. class files goes in WEB-INF\lib under the application root. You may also specify a complete absolute path to the assembly dll in .Net. This should not be done in Java. However, the full name of the Java class including package is necessary(i.e. com.logixml.plugins.SamplePlugin10).
(Required) The TypeName specifies the plugin's class that contains the method that will be called. The value consists of the dll's root namespace, ".", and the class name. For example: "LogiXML.SamplePlugin.Plugin". This attributes is required for .NET plugins, and is ignored for Java plugins.


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