BookmarkAdminEditorSecurityRightID | | Set this to a security right ID/List of IDs.
Users that have one of these rights may edit bookmarks shared with them. |
BookmarkCollectionDefault | | BookmarkCollectionDefault sets the default BookmarkCollection attribute which may be set in a number of Report elements.
Using this attribute helps ensure consistent values for all BookmarkCollections. Also, BookmarkCollectionDefault is required for sharing with the BookmarkOrganizer element.
Typically, there is one BookmarkCollection for each user. In this case, the BookmarkCollectionDefault attribute should be set to "@Function.Username~".
BookmarkLocation | | Bookmarks make it easy for users to build a menu of reports with saved input parameters. Bookmarks also save user changes for AnalysisGrids, AnalysisCharts, OlapGrids and DimensionGrids.
Bookmarks may be stored in a collection of files located in a file system folder specified by this attribute.
Alternatively, bookmarks may be stored in a relational database. See the FileToDatabaseMapping element available under Settings. |
CookieExpiration | | The number of days after which cookies expire. The expiration date is calculated from the present day. After that date, cookies are removed from the browser.
To keep cookies only for the duration of the browser session, set CookieExpiration="0".
The default is 1 month. |
CookiePath | | Cookies can be stored from report definitions and from process tasks. By default, report cookies and task cookies are stored at the web server level (where they are available to any application on the server).
If you want a customized arrangement instead, the Cookie Path attribute allows you to specify a single storage location for all cookies, using a URL.
When a single slash (“/”) is entered as this attribute value, all cookies will be stored at the web server (domain) level, for example “myServer/”.
You may also enter a more complex URL to other locations in your Logi application. If you do, the web server domain is assumed, so do not include the domain in your entry, and begin it with a slash (“/”):
For example, an attribute value of “/myLogiApp/myCookieFolder” will be understood as “myServer/myLogiApp/myCookieFolder”.
Do not enter a backslash (“\”); it’s an invalid character in this attribute value.
DataCacheLocation | UserDefined |
C:\lgxDevNet6\CustomerLicenseManager\rdDataCache |
| The Data Cache Folder specifies a file system directory for storing and working with temporary files.
Ensure that the ASPNET system account has full access rights to the folder.
You can use a token value, such as "@Function.AppPhysicalPath~\", to specify a directory off of the web root.
The default value is the web's folder plus "\rdDataCache".
Files in this directory are only read by the web application. The directory does not need to be accessible by the end users via HTTP.
For a Web Farm, specify a network folder and change the application's identity from ASPNET to a network account. |
DisableMetadataBuilder | | Set DisableMetadataBuilder="True" to disable all access to the web Metadata Builder tool.
The Metadata Builder UI enables administration of connections to data sources. Administrators may also create and edit Metadata to define how end users view and analyze information in those data sources.
Access the Metadata Builder UI from this URL:
Alternatively, restrict access to certain users with the Settings/Security@MetadataAdminSecurityRightIDs attribute. |
DoctypeDeclaration | XhtmlTransitional |
XhtmlStrict |
XhtmlFrameset |
None |
Html5 |
| Adds a Document Type Declaration to the top of the HTML output.
DoctypeDeclaration alters the way browsers react to style attributes and tags in HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
The default is "Html5", which produces this declaration:
Set DoctypeDeclaration to "None" to have no Document Type declaration added.
To set a custom DoctypeDeclaration, enter any value that begins with " |
ErrorLogLocation | | The Error Log Location specifies a file system directory for writing Error Log files. These files are written when the LogErrors attribute is "True" and there is an error generating a report.
Ensure that the ASP.NET system account has full access rights to the folder.
You can use a token value for the error log location. For example:
For a Web Farm, specify a network folder and change the application's identity from ASP.NET to a network account.
The default value is the web's folder plus "\rdErrorLog". |
FilterCaseSensitivity | Sensitive |
Insensitive |
DataSourceCollation |
| FilterCaseSensitivity controls the default method of matching text values for the AnalysisFilter element and also other elements which utilize the AnalysisFilter, such as AnalysisGrid and Dashboard.
When set to "Sensitive", values match when upper and lower case letters match. When "Insensitive", case does not matter. So for example, "abc" still matches "Abc".
"DataSourceCollation" relies on the data source to determine case sensitivity. This option is for ActiveSQL data sources only and enables greater performance, especially for database columns which are indexed.
For ActiveSQL DataLayers, the default is "DataSourceCollation". The default is "Insensitive" for all other elements. |
IeCompatibility | None |
IE=edge |
IE=9 |
IE=8 |
IE=7 |
IE=11 |
IE=10 |
| IeCompatibility helps to ensure Internet Explorer runs in the appropriate mode/version. In some cases, especially when IE detects that it is running in an Intranet, it automatically reverts running in IE7 compatibility mode, disabling newer browser and HTML features.
Setting IeCompatibility sets the X-UA-Compatibility meta tag.
The default is "IE=edge", which has IE run using the latest features of the IE browser.
Set "None" to prevent output of the X-UA-Compatibility tag. |
IFrameEmbeddingHostRestrictions | | This attribute is used to set the X-Frame-Options directive on the HTML response to restrict how the report/webpage may be framed by the parent application.
Can be set to options such as SAMEORIGIN, DENY or a free form option such as a single host name value or a list of comma separated values of host names.
When set to DENY, browsers will prevent the embedded report from rendering because it is in a frame. When set to SAMEORIGIN, the browser will block rendering only if the origin of the parent application browsing context is different that the origin of the embedded logi application. When set to a free form value, the browser will block rendering only if the origin of the parent application browsing context is different than the host name value specified.
Also supported is a list of comma separated host names. But in this case, the parent application needs to supply its own origin information as part of the link-params attribute in the html page mark-up using the custom link parameter called 'forOrigin'. Eg. this attribute can be set to say http://hostname1,http://hostname2 and the parent html can include the following link parameter as part of the data-linkParams like data-linkParams="{'forOrigin','http://hostname2'}". The engine will verify that the forOrigin value matches one of the values of the accepted host names and set the X-Frame-Options directive to allow embedding. |
InputValueDelimiter | | Set the delimiter to be used for multiple input values. The default value is ",". |
LicenseFileLocation | | License files contain a license key that enables the Logi web application to run.
Normally this file is located in the root folder of each web application. In some cases, it is desirable to set a common location to a single license file for all web applications on the server. The LicenseFileLocation attribute specifies such a common folder. The folder must be a complete path starting with a drive letter, not a relative path.
Ensure that all web applications run under an account with security access rights to files in the LicenseFileLocation folder. |
LicenseUserTrackingFolder | | Licenses may require a location to store a tracking files that log anonymous authentication information. When enabled, user tracking will add files to this folder. The default location the "rdUserLog" off of the web application's root folder. In some cases, it is desirable to set a common location for multiple web servers. In this case, The folder must be a complete path starting with a drive letter or network name, not a relative path.
Ensure that all web applications run under an account with security access rights to create and update files in the LicenseUserTrackingFolder. |
LogErrors | | Log Errors writes debug HTML files to the rdErrorLog folder when there is a system error. These pages are the same as those shown when Debugger Style is set to "Debugger Links" or "Error Detail". |
OemDistributionLicense | | Entering an OEM Distribution License allows Logi Info applications to run on a server that does not otherwise have a license key installed. This is especially useful for XCOPY deployments - the Logi Info installation program does not have to be run on the server.
Copy the entire XML contents of the OEM license file into this attribute.
Visit www.logianalytics.com to learn how to obtain an OEM license. |
rdDebuggerSecurityRightID | | When set with one or more Security Right IDs, and the current user has one of those rights, debugging can be enabled for the session by running any report with a special request parameter:
For example, to add a link which enables debugging for users with right "Admin":
Security must be enabled. The user must have a SecurityRightID in this attribute. |
rdDebuggerStyle | Redirect |
NoDetail |
ErrorDetail |
DebuggerLinksNoData |
DebuggerLinks |
| Specifies which style of debugger should be used.
"No Details" prevents any debugger information from appearing when there's an error, so the user cannot see sensitive system security information. Use this option for system deployment.
"ErrorDetail" shows detail information only when there's an error.
"DebuggerLinks" shows the "Debug this Page" link at the bottom of every report. Use this option only during development.
"DebuggerLinksNoData" shows the "Debug this Page" link at the bottom of every report, but does not provide links to the data. Use this option only during development.
"Redirect" takes the user your own custom URL, which you must specify in the "Redirect Error URL" attribute.
The default is "NoDetail". |
RedirectErrorUrl | | Redirect Error Url displays an alternative page when the system encounters an error and the Debugger Style is set to "Redirect", rather than showing the standard system error page. You may specify a relative or absolute URL.
Before calling the Redirect, the system sets a session variable "rdLastErrorMessage". If desired, you can use this in a custom .aspx to display the error message. |
RepoFriendly | | Source Code Repository Friendly, for GIT and others.
- Omit time, user name and version from definition file.
- Include .gitignore and .tfignore file in application directory.
- Save attributes alphabetically, in individual lines.
- Save collapsed state in a separate file. |
ReportAuthorUploadFolder | | The location for files uploaded by end users when building reports with the ReportAuthor element. When set, this value overrides the value of the ReportAuthor's UploadedFileFolder attribute.
The path can be absolute pointing to a folder outside the web application, or it may be relative to the web application. |
ScriptingLanguage | | For .NET versions, specifies the scripting language for attributes that support scripting, such as the Caption attribute in Labels, and the Formula attribute in CalculatedColumns. The default is JavaScript, which is recommended for new applications. This attribute is deprecated starting with Info 11.0, and may be removed in a future version.
For Java versions, the scripting language is always JavaScript. |
ScriptSourceDebuggerStyle | | ScriptDebuggerStyle sets the level of debugging support for Scripting in the debug page.
When set to "Always", a "View Script" link will appear in the debug page when a JavaScript or VBScript script is invoked if the script is more than one line. If it is only one line then it is displayed. If "OnError", the "View Script" link only appears if an error has occurred. When "None", script source is not provided.
The default is "None". |
ScriptValueCacheCount | | The attribute ScriptValueCacheCount allows the result from a given formula to be cached. This eliminates the need for a given formula to be evaulated in the scripting engine more than once. The count is the maximum number of formulas to be cached.
The default is 500.
To disable the caching, set the value to 0.
StudioElementSeekerPort | | The Element Seeker locates elements in Studio by clicking in the browser.
The Element Seeker is enabled when this value is set. It is the TCP port used for communication between Studio and the browser.
For convenience, use Studio's ribbon bar Debug icon to enable and disable the Element Seeker. |