AltText | | The Alternate Text is displayed when the browser options have images turned off. The text is also used by browsers that convert text to speech or braille output. |
BackgroundColor | | Sets the background color of the element.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
BorderColor | | Sets the color of border lines.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
CenterOffsetX | | The center of an angular/needle gauge need not be the center of gauge image. It can even be moved beyond the edge of the image. (In such a case, you might specify a relatively small Total Angle, so that the scale is not chopped out.) CenterOffsetX specfies how far left or right to push the center.
For Gauge.Angular, CenterOffsetX represents percentage of the gauge width. 0 percent positions the center of the gauge to the left edge, 100 to the right. The default is 50 percent, which is the center. |
CenterOffsetY | | The center of an angular/needle gauge need not be the center of gauge image. It can even be moved beyond the edge of the image. (In such a case, you might specify a relatively small Total Angle, so that the scale is not chopped out.) CenterOffsetY specfies how far up or down to push the center.
For Gauge.Angular, CenterOffsetY represents percentage of the gauge height. 0 percent positions the center of the gauge to the top edge, 100 to the bottom. The default is 50 percent, which is the center. |
ChartHeight | | (Required) The height of the chart image, in pixels. |
ChartWidth | | (Required) The width of the chart, usually in pixels.
For ChartCanvas charts, the value may be a percentage, by specifying the value like "50%". |
D3Effects | | When this attribute is True, the Animated gauge/pie chart will get a light shadow around which will give it a 3-D effect.
For animated bar charts, it will remove the background gradient.
This attribute only applies to 2-Dimensional animated pie charts and 3-Dimensional animated bar charts. |
GaugeType | Quarter Top Right |
Quarter Top Left |
Quarter Bottom Right |
Quarter Bottom Left |
Half Top |
Half Bottom |
Circular |
| Determines the shape and orientation of the angular needle gauge.
If left blank, or set to Circular, the gauge will be a full circle.
When set to HalfTop, the gauge appears as the upper half of a circle. The gauge’s Start Angle value will then begin at 180, and its maximum Total Angle will be 180.
When set to HalfBottom, the gauge appears as the lower half of a circle. Its Start Angle begins at 0, and the max Total Angle is 180.
When set to QuarterTopLeft, the gauge appears as the upper left quarter of a circle. Its Start Angle begins at 180, and the max Total Angle is 90.
When set to QuarterTopRight, the gauge appears as the upper right quarter of a circle. Its Start Angle begins at 270, and the max Total Angle is 90.
When set to QuarterBottomRight, the gauge appears as the lower right quarter of a circle. Its Start Angle begins at 0, and the max Total Angle is 90.
When set to QuarterBottomLeft, the gauge appears as the lower left quarter of a circle. Its Start Angle begins at 90, and the max Total Angle is 90.
ID | | (Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
LowerBound | | The lower, or bottom value of the scale. |
MinorTickFrequency | | Minor tick marks are smaller, and do not have numbered labels. The frequency indicates the number of minor tick marks between each major tick mark. |
NeedleAxleRadius | | Radius of the needle axle in pixels. |
NeedleColor | | The color of the needle.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
NeedleGaugeEnclosure | | If this attribute is set to True, the gauge gets enclosed in a circular ring with a glassy shine on top. For this attribute to work, the 3-D Effect attribute has to be set to True. |
NeedleRadius | | The radius of the angular gauge's needle, in pixels. |
NeedleThickness | | The thickness of the needle, in pixels. |
ShowWaitIcon | | Some charts can take significant time to run on the server and display in the browser. The wait icon shows a spinning image informing the user that chart content is coming. To not show the wait icon, set ShowWaitIcon="False".
The default is "True". |
StartAngle | | The starting angle, in degrees, for the angular/needle gauge scale. Imagining the gauge as a compass, 0 degrees is at East, 90 is South, 180 is West, and 270 north. |
TickColor | | The color of the tick marks.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
TickCount | | The number of major tick marks for the scale. For example, a gauge with a scale that runs from 0 to 100 should specify 10 tick marks. (The first tick mark, usually 0, is assumed - so there are actually 11 tick marks for a scale from 0 to 100.)
Set TickCount="0" for no tick marks.
For the InputSlider element, this attribute controls the detents, or stop points, as the thumb is dragged. Visible tick marks must be built into the image when the image is designed. The InputSlider does not automatically create visible tick marks. |
TickLabelColor | | The color of the tick mark labels.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
TickLabelFontBold | | The bold font. |
TickLabelFontName | | A font name for the tick mark labels. |
TickLabelFontSize | | The font size, in points. |
TickLabelFormat | | Allows a string to be formatted in various ways, especially for numeric and date values.
This attribute has been borrowed from the Microsoft Visual Basic Format function. For more information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/59bz1f0h(VS.71).aspx
For dates, the non-specific formats, such as "General Date", "Short Time", etc., are converted according to the browser's international setttings. Also, for very large reports, the non-specific formats perform better.
There are also some special formats.
"<" and ">" change strings to lower and upper case.
"Expanded Spaces" preserves space characters that would otherwise be collapsed by the web browser.
"HTML" preserves HTML tags so that they are not encoded - they are embedded rather than shown.
"Preserve Line Feeds" preserves line feed and cariage return characters so that the following characters appear on a new line.
"mp" formats numbers with the "metric prefix". To format 1,234,567 as "$1.23M", use Format "$#.00mp". Supported metric prefixes are from 1000^6 to 1000^-6 For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix
"mpsx" formats the value with x number of significant figures in addition to the metric prefix. So a value of 123456, with format set to mps3 will return 123k.
"qq" returns the number of the quarter when the value being formatted represents a date. To return the year and quarter together like "2010 Q1", set the format to "yyyy Qqq". |
TickLabelRadius | | The radius of the gauge tick mark labels, in pixels. |
TickLength | | The length of the tick marks, in pixels. |
TickRadius | | The radius of the gauge tick marks, in pixels. |
TickThickness | | The thickness of the tick marks, in pixels. |
Tooltip | | Text that appears when the user hovers the pointer over the image or text. |
TotalAngle | | The total arc of the angular/needle gauge, in degress. For example, to specify a gauge that sweeps half a circle, specify 180. |
UpperBound | | The upper, or top value of the scale. |
Value | | (Required) A value for the element. |
WallpaperImage | | Specifies an image used to wallpaper the chart image's background. |