Color | | Sets the element's color. Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233.
For bar charts, each bar can be a different color by entering multiple colors, each separated by a comma.
When using a Crosstab Filter under the Chart's DataLayer, use comma-separated colors and a Legend element so each crosstab set can be identified. |
ID | | The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
RingEndValue | | Usually, angular/needle gauges have a ring that runs the entire scale. But you may wish to add an additional ring of a different color that covers just a portion of the scale. The End Value specifies where this ring should end, relative to the gauge's values. |
RingRadius | | The radius of the gauge ring, in pixels. |
RingStartValue | | Usually, angular/needle gauges have a ring that runs the entire scale. But you may wish to add an additional ring of a different color that covers just a portion of the scale. The Start Value specifies where this ring should start, relative to the gauge's values. |
RingThickness | | The thickness of the gauge ring, in pixels. You can create a "ring" that fills the background and looks more like a wedge by making this value very large. |