ConnectionID | | (Required) Specifies a connection to a data source that is defined in the Settings.
For elements connecting to relational databases, default is the first Connection element in _settings.lgx. |
ID | | (Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
LdapPassword | | (Required) The password for the LDAP user Distinguished Name (DN). |
LdapUserDnSource | | (Required) An LDAP query that returns the LDAP User Distinguished Name (DN). The returned DN will be used with the Password attribute to authenticate the current user.
Info for .NET example:
With “Standard LDAP” server
SELECT ADsPath FROM 'OU=Staff,DC=example,DC=com' WHERE uid='@Request.rdUserName~' and objectClass='InetOrgPerson'
With “Active Directory” server
SELECT ADsPath FROM 'DC=myCompanyDomain,DC=local' WHERE SamAccountName='@Request.rdUserName~' and objectClass='organizationalPerson'
Info for Java example:
With “Standard LDAP” server
SELECT DN FROM subTreeScope; WHERE uid='@Request.rdUserName~' and objectClass='InetOrgPerson'
With “Active Directory” server
SELECT CN FROM DC=myCompanyDomain,DC=local WHERE SamAccountName='@Request.rdUserName~' and objectClass='organizationalPerson'