Available in: Logi Info | Source code name: DataLayer.DefinitionList | Introduced in: v9.0.41 |
A DefinitionList DataLayer returns a list of your Logi report definitions.
All Logi objects are included by default (Processes, Reports, Templates, Widgets). If the DefinitionListFolder attribute is set (to "_Reports", "_Widgets", etc.), only objects in that folder are included.
The DataLayer includes these fields: Filename (physical location of report defintition) DefinitionType (Process, Report, Template, or Widget) DefinitionName (definition filename without path or extension) Folder1 (top-level folder if applicable) Folder2 (second-level folder if applicable) Folder3, etc. Other attributes in the report definition root node, such as ID, SavedBy, SavedAt, EngineVersion, etc.
DataLayer.DefinitionList also includes any custom attributes added to definitions' root elements.
Because they do not apply to all objects, the Folder1, Folder2, etc. fields may not be detected by the Auto Columns element.
If AlternativeDefinitionFolder is set (in _Settings/Path), then objects in that folder are also included.
Element Group:Info DataLayers |