Format | | Allows a string to be formatted in various ways, especially for numeric and date values. Specifies formatting characteristics for the data.
This attribute has been borrowed from the Microsoft Visual Basic Format function. For more information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/59bz1f0h(VS.71).aspx
For dates, the non-specific formats, such as "General Date", "Short Time", etc., are converted according to the browser's international setttings. Also, for very large reports, the non-specific formats perform better.
There are also some special formats.
"<" and ">" change strings to lower and upper case.
"Expanded Spaces" preserves space characters that would otherwise be collapsed by the web browser.
"HTML" preserves HTML tags so that they are not encoded - they are embedded rather than shown.
"Preserve Line Feeds" preserves line feed and cariage return characters so that the following characters appear on a new line.
"mp" formats numbers with the "metric prefix". To format 1,234,567 as "$1.23M", use Format "$#.00mp". Supported metric prefixes are from 1000^6 to 1000^-6 For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix
"mpsx" formats the value with x number of significant figures in addition to the metric prefix. So a value of 123456, with format set to mps3 will return 123k.
"qq" returns the number of the quarter when the value being formatted represents a date. To return the year and quarter together like "2010 Q1", set the format to "yyyy Qqq".
"fyy" and "fyyyy" return the fiscal year. "fqq" returns the fiscal quarter. The fiscal year start date may be configured in the settings' Globalization element.
"ww" returns the number of the week. The first day of the week may be configured in the settings' Globalization element. |
LogarithmicScale | | Logarithmic Scale displays the y-axis with a log scale. Setting the value to a number, such as 10, displays the scale with tick marks at 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. intervals. With Logarithmic Scale, Tick Mark Density works differently. When Logarithmic Scale is 10, and the Tick Mark Density is any value greater than 0, the chart displays minor tick marks between the major labeled tick marks. |
MarginLower | | Sets a margin inside the plot area. Use margins when data values or bars do not fully appear inside the chart plot area. |
MarginUpper | | Sets a margin inside the plot area. Use margins when data values or bars do not fully appear inside the chart plot area. |
ScaleLowerBound | | Sets the lower bound of the axis. Set this value to a number, or leave it blank for automatic scaling. When you have a lower bound, you must also specify an upper bound.
The default value is automatic scaling.
ScaleUpperBound | | Sets the upper bound of the axis. Set this value to a number, or leave it blank for automatic scaling. When you have an upper bound, you must also specify a lower bound.
The default value is automatic scaling.
TickDensity | | Tick marks provide a visible scale on the chart. These are automatically created. However, the number of tick marks can be controlled by setting this attribute to the number of pixels desired between each tick mark. (This number is not strictly adhered to, in that they occur at rounded numbers and are evenly spaced to the end of the chart.) |
ZeroAffinity | | Zero Affinity determines the likelihood that the chart's Y-axis will start at zero, or another number closer to the range of the chart data. For example, if a chart's data range was 1010 to 1200, it makes sense for the Y-axis to start at 1000. Zero Affinity can be between 0 and 1. A value closer to 0 increases the chance that the Y-axis will not start at 0. A value of 1 causes the Y-axis to always start at 0. The default value is .8. |