Element Details: Dashboard

Available in: Logi Info Source code name: Dashboard2

A Dashboard is a collection of panels. The user can customize the Dashboard by moving panels around the page, and by collapsing and expanding panels. Dashboards are frequently used to give users a broad view of different information at once.

You can save customizations for each user from session to session. See the SaveFile attribute for more details.

Panels consist of three parts. A title bar that contains a caption and possibly control buttons to edit parameters or remove the panel. An optional parameters section can be expanded by the user to set parameters for the last section - the panel content.

Panels may be created in two ways. First, Panel elements maybe defined under the Dashboard. Alternatively, a GalleryFile may be specified. The GalleryFile would be created by users working with the AnalysisGrid and other elements which have the CustomDashboardPanels element. Dashboard panels may come from just one source or the other.

The Dashboard element defines certain Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) classes. These help with colors, font sizes and spacing. You can over-ride these classes by adding them to your own CSS file. The dashboard's built-in CSS file is rdTemplate\rdDashboard\rdDashboard2.css.

There is only one Dashboard element allowed in a Definition.


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NamePossible ValuesDescription
Specifies if free-form layout is enabled. This layout mode allows dashboard panels to be placed wherever desired by the user, instead of fitting into a columnar arrangement. When disabled, users must arrange panels in pre-defined columns. When set to True, "Free-form" is available as one of the "Number of Panel Columns" options in the dashboard configuration page. If the user then selects this option at runtime, he can manually relocate and resize dashboard panels anywhere within the dashboard, without being constrained by pre-defined columns. Default value is "False".
When there are panels with an AnalysisFilter element, the user can create a "global" filter which affects all panels of the current dashboard tab. When panels share the same data columns, a single global filter affects both panels. So, for example, if two panels both have column OrderDate from the Orders table, the user can create single global filter on date which filters rows from both panels. Panels derived from the AnalysisGrid having the ActiveQueryBuilder child element can have the global AnalysisFilter automatically generated. Set attribute AutoGlobalFilters=”True”. For ChartCanvas charts, clicking a chart data point with a filterable column automatically adds a global filter, and related panels get updated to reflect just the rows for the clicked data point. The default is “False”.
Panels derived from the AnalysisGrid having the ActiveQueryBuilder child element can have the AnalysisFilter automatically generated. This enables the user to filter data for panels created from a Metadata-driven AnalysisGrid. The default is “False”.
Specifies if the user is allowed to move panels, close panels, add panels, and set panel parameters. The default value is True. Set DashboardAdjustable to False for a static dashboard that users cannot change. When True, the user's dashboard changes are saved to the location specified in the SaveFile attribute. The Dashboard reads that file when the dashboard is reloaded. When False, the user cannot save changes, but the SaveFile is still used to set the dashboard appearance. Therefore, set DashboardAdjustable="True" during the development process. Then position the dashboard panels and then set DashboardAdjustable back to False. Finally, be sure to deploy the SaveFile with the reporting application.
The number of columns for the dashboard. There can be 1 to 8 columns. The default value is 3.
When True, DashboardTabs allows the user to put panels into different tabs. The user can create, rename, reposition and remove tabs. The initial tab is automatically created.
Set to True to prohibit deletion of panels from this Gallery file.
When using AutoGlobalFilters="True", the user is able to click certain types of visualizations, like charts, to add or update a global filter. For example, if there is a bar chart with bars represented by country. Clicking the USA bar adds a global filters of Country=USA. Plus, the chart's USA bar is highlighted in a different color. Set DisableGlobalFiltersFromPanels="True" to prevent chart clicks from adding dashboard global filters.
When there are multiple galleries defined with ExtraGalleryFile elements, there may be a caption set for each. When the galleries are displayed, the user may select one from a drop-down list. Making a selection shows only visualizations from that gallery.
With the AnalysisGrid's CustomDashboardPanels element, charts and tables may be copied to a SaveFile to be added by the user later to a Dashboard or ReportAuthor report. The GalleryFile allows the visualizations to be stored outside of a specific dashboard file, so that they may be copied into multiple dashboards. There are two methods for creating gallery files. This first method uses a dashboard save file as a gallery file, so the gallery has panels that have been added to a dashboard. This method makes it easier to add and remove gallery items by working directly with a dashboard. Set the CustomDashboardPanels' DashboardSaveFile to a gallery xml file. This file will be created and updated as the user adds visualizations. Then, in the Dashboard or ReportAuthor element, set the GalleryFile to this same file. The second method gets gallery items from a report definition .lgx file which has its own Dashboard and Panel elements. The panels will make up the gallery items. Specify the gallery file's full path and filename. GalleryFile information may be stored in a relational database. See the Settings FileToDatabaseMapping element.
(Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition.
(Required) Specifies a file to save the end-user's changes for the current element. When the element is reloaded it is shown in the same state as when it was last used. The file will be created if it does not exist. The containing folder is not automatically created. Ensure that the ASPNET process (Process Identity) has "write" access rights to the folder. To have a different save file for each user, include the @Function.UserName~ token in part of the filename. c:\myWeb\SavedFolder\@Function.UserName~.xml It's often useful to specify the folder in the Constants element in the settings definition file. @Constants.SaveFolder~\@Function.UserName~.xml Do not set the SaveFile when using an AutoBookmark element.
Specifies a file used as the initial SaveFile in cases when the SaveFile does not exist yet. For example, when the SaveFile is different for each user, SaveFileStarter can include a set of default Tabs and Panels. To create a SaveFileStarter, first set a SaveFile. Then run the element, making the desired changes. Finally, copy or rename the SaveFile into the SaveFileStarter location.
Some elements employ a definition file as a template. The definition contains language and culture specific Caption attributes that you may want to change. Or you may simply want to change the captions to better suit your application. The TemplateModifierFile is an XML file with elements pointing to other elements in the template to be changed. All other attributes get applied in the template. For example, the Dashboard2 element has a template file (rdTemplate\rdDashboard\rdDashboard2Template.lgx) several Label elements. One has an ID="lblAddPanelsTitle". The Caption can be changed with the following XML in the TemplateModifierFile: You can set attributes for any number of elements. Examine the template file to learn the ID and Caption attributes you may want to modify. The above example shows how to identify template elements with an ID attribute. Alternatively, you can also identify elements with an XPath expression. In this example, we change an attribute of the InteractivePaging element: For a more detailed list of modifier actions see the following DevNet article. TemplateModifierFiles can be in any folder accessable to the web application. When a directory location is not specified, the default location is the _SupportFiles folder.


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Column Cell
Division Fieldset Box HTML Tag


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Auto Bookmark
Extra Gallery File
Generated Element Plugin Call
Load Panels Plugin Call
Visualization Editing

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