CrosstabColumn | | (Required) Specifies a column name returned in the DataLayer. Each distinct value adds a new column to the DataLayer. |
CrosstabLabelColumn | | (Required) Specifies a column name returned in the DataLayer. Each distinct label value adds a new row to the crosstabbed DataLayer. Display the column in a Crosstab Table with "@Data.ColumnName~", where ColumnName is the name of the column. |
CrosstabValueColumn | | (Required) Specifies a column name returned in the DataLayer. The column should contain values which are aggregated into each cell of the table. |
CrosstabValueFunction | Sum |
Stdev |
Mode |
Min |
Median |
Max |
DistinctCount |
Count |
Average |
Any |
| (Required) Specifies how values are calculated into the Value Column.
For the CrosstabFilter element, the "Any" function displays a value from any of the input rows. This may be used when the CrosstabValueColumn is a string that is not appropriate for aggregation, especially when there is one record to represent each crosstab cell. |
ID | | The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
IncludeCondition | | An expression that evaluates to a value of True or False. If the expression is blank, or evaluates to true the element is processed. If the expression evaluates to false, the element is skipped.
Expressions should be in VBScript or JavaScript syntax. For .NET versions, the scripting language can be set in the _settings.lgx General element. For Java versions, the scripting language is always JavaScript.
Typically, you would compare values using an operator, such as "@Session.value~ < 0".
Use quotes when working with strings:
"@Session.myValue~" == "SomeValue"
MaxCrosstabColumns | | Sets the maximum number of crosstab columns returned by the Crosstab Filter. A column is created for each distinct value of the Crosstab Column. In some cases this number should be limited so that the table does not become too wide. The default Max Crosstab Columns is 100. |
MaxCrosstabRows | | Sets the maximum number of crosstab rows returned by the Crosstab Filter. In some cases this number should be limited so that the table does not become too large in memory.
Defaults to 10,000 rows. |