Available in: Logi Info | Source code name: CompareFilter | Introduced in: v10.1.18 |
When used as a child of a DataLayer, CompareFilter removes rows that do not pass the comparison.
When used under a ConditionFilter element, multiple CompareFilters may be combined into more complex expressions that include ANDs and ORs and levels of parentheses.
CompareFilter performs better than the script-based ConditionFilter element.
=,<,>,<=,>=,!= Basic comparison operations. String types evaluated with these methods are culture sensitive.
Between The CompareValue must include two pipe ("|")separated numeric or date values. Rows with column values equal to or within the range remain.
Contains Rows with DataColumns containing the CompareValue string value remain.
ContainsAll Compares two comma delimited arrays, one in the DataColumn, the other in the CompareValue. To match, all values from both arrays must be the same, in any order.
ContainsAllInOrder Compares two comma delimited arrays, one in the DataColumn, the other in the CompareValue. To match, all values from both arrays must be the same, and in the same order.
ContainsAny Compares two comma delimited arrays, one in the DataColumn, the other in the CompareValue. To match, just one value from either array must be the same.
ContainsNone Compares two comma delimited arrays, one in the DataColumn, the other in the CompareValue. To match, none of the values listed in the CompareValue attribute can be present in the column.
EndsWith DataColumn values that end with the specified value remain.
FuzzyMatch Performs a fuzzy match on string. DataColumns that "closely" match remain.
InYear, InMonth, InQuarter, InWeek and InDay match when the dates being compared are within the same time-span.
InList DataColumn values that match an item in a comma-delimited list.
IsDateTime Checks to see if the DataColumn contains a valid date time value.
IsDecimal Checks to see if the DataColumn contains a valid decimal value.
IsEven Checks to see if the DataColumn contains an even number.
IsInteger Checks to see if the DataColumn contains a valid integer value.
IsNotDateTime DataColumn values that do not contain valid date values remain.
IsNotDecimal DataColumn values that do not contain decimal values remain.
IsNotInteger DataColumn values that do not contain integer values remain.
IsOdd Checks to see if the DataColumn contains a valid odd number.
LengthEquals Checks to see if the length of the DataColumn value equals the CompareValue.
LengthGreaterThan Checks to see if the length of the DataColumn value is greater than the CompareValue.
LengthGreaterThanOrEqualTo Checks to see if the length of the DataColumn value is greater than or equal to the CompareValue.
LengthLessThan Checks to see if the length of the DataColumn value less than the CompareValue.
LengthLessThanOrEqualTo Checks to see if the length of the DataColumn value less than or equal to the CompareValue.
LengthNotEqualTo Checks to see if the length of the DataColumn value is not equal to the CompareValue.
NotBetween The CompareValue must include two pipe ("|")separated numeric or date values. Only rows with column values outside the range remain.
NotContains Rows with column values that do not contain the CompareValue remain.
NotEndsWith DataColumn values that do not end with the CompareValue remain.
NotFuzzyMatch Performs a fuzzy match on string types. Performs a fuzzy match on string. DataColumns that do not "closely" match remain.
NotInList DataColumn values that do not match any item of a comma-delimited list.
NotRegEx DataColumn values that do match the regular expressionin the CompareValue remain.
NotStartsWith < |