ErrorLimit | | Error Limit sets the maximum number of times a Calculated Column can have an error. After the limit is reached, the Calculated Column returns an empty value.
Error handling for Calculated Columns can be expensive in terms of performance when there are hundreds or thousands of errors. Error Limit can prevent too many errors. |
ErrorResult | | ErrorResult sets the value that is used whenever the Condition or script formula fails because of an error.
For ConditionFilters, the default is "False". For CalculatedColumn and ExtraCrosstabCalculatedColum elements, the default is blank. Otherwise, the default is "???".
Label's Caption attributes can have a script formula by making the first character the equals sign: "=". |
Formula | | (Required) A VBScript or JavaScript expression that returns a string or numeric value.
Select the scripting engine from the Settings General element's ScriptingLanguage attribute. |
ID | | (Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
IncludeCondition | | An expression that evaluates to a value of True or False. If the expression is blank, or evaluates to true the element is processed. If the expression evaluates to false, the element is skipped.
Expressions should be in VBScript or JavaScript syntax. For .NET versions, the scripting language can be set in the _settings.lgx General element. For Java versions, the scripting language is always JavaScript.
Typically, you would compare values using an operator, such as "@Session.value~ < 0".
Use quotes when working with strings:
"@Session.myValue~" == "SomeValue"
ScriptFile | | Specifies the script file.
If the script file is in the SupportFiles, no path is necessary. Otherwise, specify a full file system path location. |