Element Details: Authentication.SP

Available in: Logi Info Source code name: AuthenticationRule.SP

The AuthenticationRule.SP element defines a rule by which the user gets authenticated. Its Command attribute can be set to a SQL statement that verifies the validity of the user's input from the logon page. @Request tokens can be used in SPInputParams (a list of parameters that go into a stored procedure) to access incoming data or user input. Important Note: The Stored Procedure must return a row set, which is the result a "SELECT" that returns two columns. It will make the first value available to you as "@Function.Username~" and the second value as "@Function.UserID~".


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NamePossible ValuesDescription
When this is an attribute of Procedure.SP, provide the name of a Stored Procedure that returns a single or no values. Use this element for procedures that execute UPDATEs, INSERTs, and other database actions. When this is an attribute of DataLayer.SP, provide the name of a Stored Procedure that returns a result set of some number of data rows. If working with Oracle Packages, provide the Package name, then a period, then the Procedure name. For example, "myPackage.myProcedure".
Specifies a connection to a data source that is defined in the Settings. For elements connecting to relational databases, default is the first Connection element in _settings.lgx.


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Calculated Column
Condition Filter
SP Input Parameters SP Parameters

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