Animation | | This is used to turn animation off in animated charts. They are set to be animated by default. |
BackgroundColor | | Sets the background color of the element.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
ChartHeight | | (Required) The height of the chart image, in pixels. |
ChartWidth | | (Required) The width of the chart, usually in pixels.
For ChartCanvas charts, the value may be a percentage, by specifying the value like "50%". |
GaugeOriginX | | The center of a needle gauge need not be the center of gauge image. It can even be moved beyond the endge of the image. (In such a case, you might specify a relatively small Total Angle, so that the scale is not chopped out.) Gauge Origin X specfies where the center of the gauge starts on the chart. Use Positive numbers starting from the left most point to push right. Set to half the width of the chart to center align. |
GaugeOriginY | | The center of a needle gauge need not be the center of gauge image. It can even be moved beyond the endge of the image. (In such a case, you might specify a relatively small Total Angle, so that the scale is not chopped out.) Gauge Origin Y specfies how far up or down to push the center. Use Positive starting from the bottom to push up. Set to half the height of the chart to center align. |
ID | | (Required) The ID attribute is a pervasive attribute that uniquely identifies an element within a definition file. The ID needs to be a unique value within the definition. |
LowerBound | | (Required) The lower, or bottom value of the scale. |
MajorTickColor | | The color of the major tick marks.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
MinorTickFrequency | | Minor tick marks are smaller, and do not have numbered labels. The frequency indicates the number of minor tick marks between each major tick mark. |
NeedleColor | | The color of the needle.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
NeedleRadius | | The radius of the angular gauge's needle, in pixels. |
NeedleThickness | | The thickness of the needle, in pixels. |
OuterRingStyle | | The desired Style of the Outer Ring. Choose from a set of predefined styles. These can be used to add distinctive styles to the gauge. Set to none, if not predefined style is needed.
Circular - To have a distinct circular look to the outer ring.
Bevel - To make the outer ring have a beveled edge effect (not perpendicular but 45 degrees to the face).
Lens - To make the outer ring have a concave lens style effect. |
RingThickness | | The thickness of the gauge ring, in pixels. You can create a "ring" that fills the background and looks more like a wedge by making this value very large. |
StartAngle | | (Required) The starting angle, in degrees, for the angular/needle gauge scale. Imagining the gauge as a compass, 0 degrees is at East, 90 is South, 180 is West, and 270 north. |
TickColor | | The color of the tick marks.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
TickCount | | The number of major tick marks for the scale. For example, a gauge with a scale that runs from 0 to 100 should specify 10 tick marks. (The first tick mark, usually 0, is assumed - so there are actually 11 tick marks for a scale from 0 to 100.)
Set TickCount="0" for no tick marks.
For the InputSlider element, this attribute controls the detents, or stop points, as the thumb is dragged. Visible tick marks must be built into the image when the image is designed. The InputSlider does not automatically create visible tick marks. |
TickLabelColor | | The color of the tick mark labels.
Enter a color by name, decimal RGB value, or hex RGB value. Prefix hex values with the pound sign, like #112233. |
TickLabelFontName | | A font name for the tick mark labels. |
TickLabelFontSize | | The font size, in points. |
TickLabelRadius | | The radius of the gauge tick mark labels, in pixels. |
TickLength | | The length of the tick marks, in pixels. |
TickRadius | | (Required) The radius of the gauge tick marks, in pixels. |
TickThickness | | The thickness of the tick marks, in pixels. |
TotalAngle | | (Required) The total arc of the angular/needle gauge, in degress. For example, to specify a gauge that sweeps half a circle, specify 180. |
UpperBound | | (Required) The upper, or top value of the scale. |
Value | | (Required) A value for the element. |