Available in: Logi Info | Source code name: ActiveQueryBuilder | Introduced in: v11.3.049 |
Normally, the AnalysisGrid is configured with a DataLayer, often consisting of a SQL SELECT query. The user is then restricted to analyzing that dataset.
The ActiveQueryBuilder allows the user to interactively select tables and joins for analysis. This is done from a "Data" tab at the top of the AnalysisGrid. The user first selects an initial table from a list. Then, if that table joins to other tables, another list appears for join selection.
The lists of tables and joins are set in .lgx files located in the _Metadata folder. Metadata.lgx files are created and managed with the Logi Studio application. To create a metadata file, first add a Metadata element under a Connection element. (Only ActiveSQL-supported connections types are supported.) Then use the Studio wizard to configure the metadata file by selecting tables, columns and joins.
When there is more than one Metadata element in the _settings.lgx definition, the user is prompted to first select a "Data Source". Once selected, the list of tables appears. Use the MetadataIDs attribute to control metadata selection in the AnalysisGrid.
Metadata LGX files can be built using the Logi Studio Metadata Builder utility. To run, the utility requires installation of the Logi Info Self Service Reporting Module product. Then the Metadata Builder may be run from Studio by selecting an ActiveSQL-supported Connection element or its child Metadata element. |